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TitleSchool sanitation and hygiene education - India. Handbook for teachers
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsSnel, M, Ganguly, S, Shordt, K
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 39
Pagination45 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2002-12-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
ISBN Number9066870346
Keywordshealth education, india, instructional aids, manuals, safe water supply, sanitation, school water and sanitation towards health and hygiene programme (swasthh) (india), schools, sdiasi, sdihyg, teachers, uebw

The Resource Book and the Handbook are practical manuals meant for managers, trainers and teachers involved in SSHE programmes. They examine key features of SSHE such as: behavioural change, education and training, strategic planning, district planning, local mobilisation, technologies, and on-going school/community activities. Both books contain a number of activity sheets to assist managers and trainers in their work. Although the books were developed in the context of the School Water and Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene (SWASTHH) programme in India, they provide many useful guidelines and activities that apply to similar programmes elsewhere.


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Original PublicationSchool sanitation and hygiene education - India. Resource book



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