Title | Sanitation surcharges collected through water bills : a way forward for financing pro-poor sanitation? |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | Norman, G, Daryanani, A, Peal, A |
Secondary Title | Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor : Discussion Paper |
Volume | 4 |
Pagination | 33 p.; 3 tab.; 4 boxes |
Date Published | 2012-10-01 |
Publisher | Water and Sanitation for Urban Poor, WSUP |
Place Published | S.l. |
Keywords | access to sanitation, africa, low-income communities, sanitation charges, urban areas, urban communities |
Abstract | A situation review of sanitation surcharge systems in African cities, focusing on systems designed to raise revenues for improving sanitation in low-income districts. The review considers existing pro-poor surcharge systems in Lusaka and Ouagadougou; systems that cannot currently be considered pro-poor, in Dakar, Beira and Antananarivo; and the special case of Maputo, where there is ongoing debate about how a surcharge might be introduced. Lusaka’s model is of particular interest. Customers of Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) who have a sewer connection pay a sewerage charge but, on top of this, all LWSC customers also pay a sanitation levy that is ring-fenced for expenditure on sanitation improvements in low-income communities. [authors abstract] |
Notes | With bibliography on p. 30 - 31 |
Custom 1 | 302.8 |