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The paper provides brief details of a water diversion project in Tamil Nadu, India. Through the project, the supply in urban centres will improve while comparitively less water will be available for irrigation and other uses in down-stream areas.

TitleRural water for expanding cities? : a case study on water re-allocation in Tamil Nadu, India
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsLundqvist, J
Pagination9 p.: 2 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherLinkoping University, Department of Water and Environmental Studies
Place PublishedLinkoping, Sweden
Keywordsindia tamil nadu, policies, urban areas, water demand, water resources management, water use

The paper provides brief details of a water diversion project in Tamil Nadu, India. Through the project, the supply in urban centres will improve while comparitively less water will be available for irrigation and other uses in down-stream areas. It is argued that a just, sound and efficient utilization of common water resources, requires, among other things, consultation with users at the decision making stage of such water management projects. The decisions should be made on the basis of the principle of "water as an economic good".

Notes9 ref.
Custom 1210, 822



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