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A report on a project that studied the effects of changing rainfall and land use on catchment hydrology and groundwater, the factors that control the sustainable yield of wells and boreholes in basement aquifers, and the implications for rural water suppl

TitleThe Romwe catchment study, Zimbabwe : the effects of changing rainfall and land use on recharge to crystalline basement aquifers, and the implications for rural water supply and small-scale irrigation : final report
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsLovell, CJ, Butterworth, JA, Moriarty, PB, Bromley, J, Batchelor, CH, Mharapara, I, Mugabe, FT, Mtetwa, G, Dube, T, Simmonds, L
NumberDFID report 98/3
Paginationv, 85 p. : fig.
Date Published1998-04-01
PublisherInstitute of Hydrology
Place PublishedWallingford, UK
Keywordsaquifers, catchment areas, evaluation, hydrology, irrigation, land use, rainfall, recharge, rural areas, safe water supply, sdiafr, sdiwat, sdiwrm, water resources management, zimbabwe

A report on a project that studied the effects of changing rainfall and land use on catchment hydrology and groundwater, the factors that control the sustainable yield of wells and boreholes in basement aquifers, and the implications for rural water supply and development of small irrigation. The study took place in the Romwe Catchment of Zimbabwe. This small catchment in a community-managed dryland area was instrumented and monitored with the participation of the local community. This study had numerous and wide ranging policy implications.


Bibliography: p. 80-85

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Citation Key43638



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