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TitleResults of district based learning : how district-based multi-stakeholder learning in LeaPPS has made a difference : learning for change in policy and practice in primary school and household sanitation and hygiene
Publication TypeProgress Report
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsBrenda, A
Pagination3 p.
Date Published01/2010
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsaction learning, cost recovery, efficiency, uganda

At the start of LeaPPS in 2007, a situation analysis in the 4 districts where LeaPPS was implemented revealed barriers to effectiveness and cost-efficiency in sanitation and hygiene. They included weak coordination at district and sub county levels between the individuals and organisations responsible for sanitation and hygiene, limited access to information and sector guidelines developed at national level, challenges to apply the guidelines and few incentives or opportunities to share and document local best operational practices. To address these constraints, LeaPPS brought together the key stakeholder groups with a role in hygiene and sanitation improvement, such as local government technical staff, district and sub county politicians, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), media and Technical Support Units (TSUs). [authors abstract]

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