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TitleResource guide : mainstreaming gender in water management
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsGender and Water Alliance -Dieren, NL, GWA, UNDP -New York, NY, US
Edition2nd rev. ed.
Pagination240 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
Date Published2006-11-01
PublisherGender and Water Alliance
Place PublishedDieren, The Netherlands
Keywordsbibliographies, case studies, gender, guidelines, integrated approach, planning, projects, sdigen, sdiwrm, water resources management

Second, revised version of the initial UNDP Resource Guide for Mainstreaming Gender in Water Management, launched during the 3rd World Water Forum in Kyoto in 2003. A reference document of materials on mainstreaming gender within the context of integrated water management, helping to access existing information. It aims to support previous efforts by consolidating available materials. The guide divides the resources among thirteen water sub-sectors, to facilitate access for specific purposes and water uses. The five chapters are: Introduction to the guide; Gender and integrated water resources management; Guide to resources on gender and the water sector; Gender mainstreaming in the project cycle; and Gender mainstreaming in water sector policies and institutions. The guide also includes Case studies and good practices. The Guide is aimed at water and gender practitioners and professionals as well as persons responsible for gender mainstreaming, and anybody else who is interested in the water sector. It is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Most sections of the latter three versions are translations from English, but some are original texts specific to the language region.

NotesIncludes references and glossary
Custom 1202.1, 210


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