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This report highlights WSP achievements during fiscal 2003 (July 2002 through June 2003).

TitleReport Rapport Informe 2002-2003
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsWater and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP
Pagination128 p. : 9 boxes, 3 charts, 3 fig., 60 photogr.
Date Published2004-01-01
PublisherUNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsafrica, caribbean, communication, east asia, financing, knowledge management, latin america, low-income communities, millennium development goals, pacific islands (nz), pacific islands (us), programmes, rural areas, sanitation, small towns, south asia, united nations organizations, urban communities, water supply

This report highlights WSP achievements during fiscal 2003 (July 2002 through June 2003). It presents the Program¿s initial response to the MDG challenges, describes WSP efforts to promote sector reform and create the appropriate policies and institutional environment to meet the water and sanitation MDGs, and presents the strategy that WSP will apply to help clients plan and implement the MDG objectives. The four chapters include: 1) Meeting the MDG challenge: access for the poor; 2) The global agenda: knowledge management at the global level; 3) Regional highlights; and 4) Program financing.

NotesPublications (July 2002-June) 2003 : p. 115


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