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This report is part of the joint project undertaking by Uganda Government agencies: the Ministry of Water and Environment and the National Planning Authority, delivered with direct funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. IRC Uganda through its on-going partnerships with all three entities provides technical assistance on this joint project.

TitleReport on the participation of the team from Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment and the National Planning Authority in the University of North Carolina Water and Health Conference: Science, Policy, and Practice
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsTindimugaya, C, L. Idrakua, L, Mbabazi, P
Pagination19 p.
Date Published05/2024
PublisherGovernment of Uganda: Ministry of Water and Environment, National Planning Authority and IRC
Place PublishedKampala, Uganda
Publication LanguageEnglish

A team of three Government of Uganda officials was able to participate in the 2023 Water and Health Conference at the University of North Carolina (UNC), USA from 23 to 27 October. The team comprised of Prof. Pamela Mbabazi, Chairperson National Planning Authority, Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, Commissioner, Water Resources Planning and Regulation and Ms. Lillian Idrakua Commissioner, Water Quality Management. The team also held discussions with CNHF officials and the Water Institute of UNC regarding funding and collaboration opportunities.




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