Title | Report on monitoring and evaluation in respect of rural water supply schemes in Marharashtra and Karnataka : Karnataka state |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | IN, IRajiv Gand, Water and Power Consultancy Services (India) -New Dehli, IN, WAPCOS |
Pagination | 75 p. : fig., photogr., tab. |
Date Published | 1998-08-01 |
Publisher | Water and Power Consultancy Services (India) |
Place Published | New Delhi, India |
Keywords | access to water, attitudes, beliefs, community participation, evaluation, india karnataka, institutional aspects, maintenance, operation, questionnaires, rural areas, safe water supply, sanitation, sdiasi, water quality, willingness to pay |
Abstract | This report focuses on Karnataka State and accompanies the document, "Monitoring and Evaluation Study of Rural Water Supply Schemes", which deals with Maharashtra State. The introductory background information, purpose and format are the same. In Karnataka State, there is an urgent need for the management of scarce resources through proper planning, judicious allocations and implementation because the deficits in drinking water supplies, due to increased population and erratic water supply, which are expected to bring untold miseries especially to the rural population. For this study, carried out in six districts of Karnataka State, 1350 households spread in 90 villages were interviewed to obtain information at village level about population; number and functional status of stand posts, house connections and hand pumps; duration of supply of water in the morning and evening; operation and maintenance arrangements; community participation; collection of water rates; and sanitary conditions around stand posts and handpumps. The study shows that members of village communities do not participate in the management or maintenance of rural water schemes; however, there are complaints that the elected panchayats who do run the schemes do not ensure equal distribution of water to all inhabitants and do not control illegal connections. Without community involvement, it is not feasible for Central or state governments to sustain a large network of water supply schemes throughout India. The study recommends the constant monitoring of water levels and depths of bore wells by government agencies in the problem villages and the involvement of panchayats or the community so that the water budget for each village every year is prepared to conserve and share the limited supplies equitably. It stresses the need to activate village water co-ordination committees to maintain rural water supplies, and the introduction of incentives and disincentives to motivate them to preserve functioning assets. In matters of sanitation, the study concludes that public awareness campaigns are needed to teach safe methods of dealing with turbid water; conservation of water; the hazards of using polluted water; and proper hygiene and sanitation at home, around houses, and at public stand posts and handpumps. |
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