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TitleReport on grassroots consultation meetings
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsNational Resource Centre -Dhaka, BD, NRC
Paginationxii, 152 p. : 116 tab.
Date Published2005-02-01
PublisherNGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation
Place PublishedDhaka, Bangladesh
Keywordsbangladesh, community participation, millennium development goals, participatory methods, partnerships, sanitation, sdiasi, sdipar, water supply

Grassroots level consultations in the WatSan sector evaluate the requirements of the people, and investigate the current condition and initiatives that can be taken at village level. Consultation meetings at grassroots level indicate the status of the rural situation and therefore can act as an orientation tool for planning purposes. Such meetings should be carried out in a random but coordinated fashion so as to reflect the true rural condition. Consultation through interactive meetings should take place; for unified actions a set of guidelines is essential. A questionnaire and guidelines have to enable analysis of the situation to occur in a uniform manner. A detailed and comprehensive explanation of the organisation of this grassroot consultation is provided in the annex.
In this WASH-STREAMS initiative in Bangladesh, the grassroots voices were consulted in 180 village level discussions held throughout the country. The outcome of these meetings was cumulated and transmitted to subsequent higher levels. The consultations in the villages concerned revealed that the overall sanitation situation is not satisfactory. Only 33 % people are using sanitary latrines whereas 25 % are using unsanitary latrines; the remaining 42 % are without means. They are aware of their problems and of the benefits of using hygienic sanitary latrines, and have the will power and the motivation for change. They are industrious in nature and could provide labour to install and maintain sanitary latrines. However, educated people willing to assist them and explain them hygienic practice and its benefits are indispensable.

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