Title | Report on the expert committee on watsan experimental project on participatory drinking water and sanitation programme with people''s participation assisted by Unicef |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1996 |
Authors | IN, IRajiv Gand |
Pagination | 28 p. : tab. |
Date Published | 1996-09-01 |
Publisher | Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission |
Place Published | New Delhi, India |
Keywords | community participation, evaluation, india, programmes, recommendations, research, safe water supply, sanitation |
Abstract | Recognizing the need for the active participation of the community in the rural water supply sector from the pre-planning stage onwards, the Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission sought to adopt/adapt a participatory model of sustainable, self-reliant development in the water supply and sanitation sector developed by Bharat Gyan vigyan Samiti (BGVS), a voluntary organization active in the literacy movement. A pilot project, run from 1993-95 and supported by UNICEF, was launched in four blocks in four districts of four States: Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal and Bihar. The project was to evolve a sustainable model of water supply and sanitation by combining the holistic knowledge of land and water resources of the community with the technical knowledge of experts and by integrating Government programmes with the voluntary contribution of the people in a plan of action prepared jointly by the community and development officials. An Expert Committee was constituted to evaluate the pilot project and to assess its usefulness in achieving the ultimate objective of ensuring water supply and sanitation using proper technology and people's effort. This report, resulting from the assessment, gives general background information on the rural water supply and sanitation programme in India, and on the work of BGVS. It then outlines the project's purpose, activities developed under the project, and achievements under the project, and also assesses the methodologies used to develop a participatory approach. The role of scientific and technical functionaries is described and the work of BGVS is reviewed. The report ends with observations and recommendations. |
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