The experimental and pilot rehabilitation programmes for wells in the Orissa Drinking Water Supply Project which showed a deterioration of water quality was begun in Bhubaneshwar in 1991.
Title | Report on experimental and pilot rehabilitation programmes |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1992 |
Authors | Bhubaneshwar, INDANIDA- |
Pagination | 23 p. + 56 p. annexes: fig., tab. |
Date Published | 1992-01-01 |
Publisher | DANIDA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
Place Published | Bhubaneshwar, India |
Keywords | air lifts, demonstration projects, evaluation, india orissa, maintenance, rehabilitation, tube wells, water quality |
Abstract | The experimental and pilot rehabilitation programmes for wells in the Orissa Drinking Water Supply Project which showed a deterioration of water quality was begun in Bhubaneshwar in 1991. Earlier rehabilitation projects had used a sequence of chemical treatment, well cleaning, air-lifting and reinstallation of pumps with noncorrodable components. Several adaptations were made to this sequence including manual or powered over-pumping instead of air-lifting. The water quality parameters measured included pH, conductivity, dissolved iron, total chlorides, color, turbidity and particles. The rehabilitated wells were rated as fully, partially, doubtfully or not successful. Approximately seventy percent of the wells were fully or partially rehabilitated. Most of the wells used in the rehabilitation programmes were less than 50 meters deep. All well data and results are presented in the appendices. |
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