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TitleRegional water cooperation and peacebuilding in the Middle East
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKramer, A
Secondary TitleIFP Regional Cooperation on Environment, Economy and Natural Resource Management Cluster. Regional case study: Middle East
Pagination42 p. : tab.
Date Published2008-12-01
PublisherInitiative for Peace Building, International Alert
Place PublishedBrussels, Belgium
Keywordsevaluation, international cooperation, israel, jordan, palestine, projects, sdiman, sdimed, water resources management

This study aims to contribute answers to this lack of knowledge through a detailed assessment of two existing initiatives promoting water cooperation between Jordanians, Israelis and Palestinians: the Good Water Neighbors (GWN) project initiated by Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME); and the Regional Water Data Banks Project (RWDBP), which promotes collaboration of water agencies in data management. Analysis of the two cases provides insights into the challenges of putting environmental peacebuilding into practice at different levels of society. The initial focus of the study will be on the design and implementation of cooperative processes, given that both the form and content of cooperation are critical for peacebuilding impact. This analysis includes the role that external actors (including the European Commission) play in these issues, with the ultimate aim of providing recommendations on how such actors can strengthen the peacebuilding potential of water cooperation in practice.

NotesBibliography: p. 32-35
Custom 1210, 202.2



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