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TitleRapid urban water assessment
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsBatchelor, C, Butterworth, J, Adank, M
Paginationp. 299 - 313; 3 boxes; 2 tab.; 3 fig.
Date Published2011-01-01
Keywordsaccess to water, rapid assessment, sustainable development, urban areas, urban communities, water management, water supply

Finding sustainable solutions to meeting the demand for water services in growing urban areas is a challenging task for today’s decision makers. Rapid urban water assessment can help provide clarity on the key technical and institutional problems and reveal mismatches between supply, demand and actual access to water related services. It can also highlight information gaps and help a range of stakeholders to develop future strategies and plans. This chapter presents the Resources, Infrastructure, Demand and Access (RIDA) framework for assessing supply (resources and infrastructure), demand and access. RIDA was used in SWITCH as a framework for analysis and planning in the learning alliances. [authors abstract]


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