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TitleQualitative document analysis : findings from Ugandan WASH policy review
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJacimovic, R
Pagination60 p.
Date Published02/2015
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

Policy and operational documents are continually revised. Following earlier studies of documents developed by international development partners of the Triple-S programme, a review of national water sector policy documents in Ghana and Uganda was undertaken to evaluate changes in policy over the course of the Triple-S country programmes.

In Uganda, policy documents were analysed for evidence of 10 principles, or building blocks, of sustainable service delivery in rural areas, using a combination of qualitative document analysis and qualitative information system methodologies. A comparison of baseline and current documents shows a slight improvement in addressing service delivery sustainability issues over the 10-year study period, 2004 to 2014. Although detail on implementing the service delivery approach remains low at the national level, some of the principles embodied by the 10 building blocks of sustainable service delivery are strongly represented in operational-level documents. In particular, the financial aspects of sustainable service delivery still need more attention in Uganda legislation. Certain aspects of rural water service delivery (such as harmonisation and coordination) have been consistently well addressed in Ugandan WASH legislation for the past 12 years, suggesting it is possible for other principles to receive the same level of attention.

Our results identify some discrepancies between what practitioners think should be standard and what is actually addressed in the policy. These gaps can be a starting point for discussions about how to make water service delivery more sustainable.

Citation Key79009




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