Title | Qualitative challenges in improving performance of water points: insights from community based performance assessment of water points in Andhra Pradesh |
Publication Type | Working Paper |
Year of Publication | 2012 |
Authors | Chandrudu, MVR, R. Naidu, S, Fanaian, S, Shree, R |
Pagination | 32 p.; 27 Ref.; 7 Box.; 3 Graph.; |
Date Published | 02/2012 |
Publisher | Centre for Economic and Social Studies and IRC |
Place Published | Hyderabad, India |
Publication Language | English |
Keywords | monitoring, rural areas, service delivery |
Abstract | Perceptions of communities on the performance of 1400+ public water points in their locality gave an insight to the complex nature of WASH governance, influence of technology and natural resource endowment in 9 agro climatic zones of Andhra Pradesh. This community based performance assessment gave an opportunity to the rural households to reflect on the service levels (adequacy, quality, predictability and accessibility) of each of these water points. The assessment indicated that the good practices in WASH services are in minority, which also reflected WASH governance in the state. Based on this community's assessment, one could infer that several key elements of WASH policy are not being implemented in true spirit. The gaps between policy and practice seem to have influenced the performance of water points negatively and the villagers are certainly not happy with the current level of service in rural Andhra Pradesh. This paper is jointly authored by MV Rama Chandrudu; R Subramanyam Nadu; Safa Fanaian and Radha Shree of WASSAN. [authors abstract] |
Citation Key | 77862 |