Title | Public private partnerships model in small towns : a case study |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 2010 |
Authors | Tuffuor, B |
Secondary Title | TPP Case Studies [The Tripartite Partnership Project] |
Pagination | iv, 27 p.; 4 tab.; 3 fig.; 1 box |
Date Published | 2010-09-01 |
Keywords | access to water, case studies, ghana, poverty, private sector, urban areas, urban communities, water distribution, water supply |
Abstract | The objective of this study is to examine the Public Private Partnership (PPP) management model for small towns WASH services for innovative mechanisms to inform the design of appropriate management models for WASH service delivery to the urban poor. The study is based on the PPP arrangements in Bekwai, Atebubu and Wassa Akropong for delivering WASH services to small towns. [authors abstract] |
Notes | With 4 references |
Custom 1 | 201 |