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Groundwater contamination is an important environmental problem in the mekong plain.

TitleProtection against groundwater contamination
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsCuong, NKim
Paginationp. 82-85 : 4 fig.
Date Published1996-03-01
Keywordsappropriate technology, groundwater, mekong river basin, saline water intrusion, water pollution control

Groundwater contamination is an important environmental problem in the mekong plain. The groundwater plain is almost fossil, that is to say buried under marine deposits (not connate), lying in lens or wedge shape aquifers, surrounded by saline groundwater. The abstraction of the fresh water causes the saline water to gradually move, forming a saline tongue under the freshwater near the abstraction wells. Traditionally, when this problem occurs people abandon the well, and look elsewhere for water. However, it is also possible to remove the saline tongue from the system, by drilling additional abstraction wells, so called anti contamination wells, in the saline tongue.

Notes6 ref.
Custom 1822


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