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This thematic overview paper (TOP) looks at the broad range of uses which people allocate to their water supplies, in particular at productive activities and micro-enterprises within poor households in villages, towns and cities in developing countries.

TitleThe productive use of domestic water supplies : how water supplies can play a wider role in livelihood improvement and poverty reduction
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Butterworth, JA
Secondary TitleThematic overview paper / IRC
Pagination57 p. : 8 boxes, 3 fig.
Date Published2003-06-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordsguidelines, income generation, poverty, sdiwrm, sustainable livelihoods, water use

This thematic overview paper (TOP) looks at the broad range of uses which people allocate to their water supplies, in particular at productive activities and micro-enterprises within poor households in villages, towns and cities in developing countries. It provides some practical examples and cases of mixed use of water supplies that enhance productivity. Following a discussion on the concepts and benefits of livelihoods approaches, the paper provides a framework of principles and guiding questions on these approaches, with suggestions for tools and methods to answer them. The paper also provides a list of key books, articles and manuals (annotated) and references, websites, and contacts.

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Citation Key53470


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