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The report defines the need and requirements of the National Resource Centre (NRC). It also clarifies the resource centre concept in Bangladesh and its strategic positioning under NGO Forum for DWSS.

TitleProceeding of workshop on "resource centre strengthening"
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBiswas, SP
Paginationv, 15 p. + 19 p. annexes : photogr.
Date Published2002-10-01
PublisherNGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation
Place PublishedDhaka, Bangladesh
Keywordsbangladesh, capacity building, information services, networks, resource centres, sanitation, sdiasi, sdicap, sdiinf, training, water supply

The report defines the need and requirements of the National Resource Centre (NRC). It also clarifies the resource centre concept in Bangladesh and its strategic positioning under NGO Forum for DWSS. The report contains recommendations on identifying issues and priority steps to boost knowledge management and exploring ways and means to make the NRC sustainable. [Abstract by Shirin P. Biswas]

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