Title | Problems and potentials of Bundelkhand with special reference to water resource base |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | Prakash, B, Satya, S, Ghosh, SN, Chourasia, LP |
Pagination | iv, 247 p. : fig., maps, photogr., tab. |
Date Published | 1998-01-01 |
Publisher | Indian Institute of Technology, Centre for Rural Development and Technology |
Place Published | New Delhi, India |
Keywords | agriculture, catchment areas, climate, forestry, geology, india madhya pradesh bundelkhand, india uttar pradesh bundelkhand, indigenous knowledge, irrigation, physical characteristics, projects, safe water supply, sdiasi, sdiwrm, social aspects, water resources, water resources management, water shortage |
Abstract | Although the purpose of this study was confined to the problems and potentials of water resources (both drinking and irrigation) in the Bundelkhand Region in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, India, it does, nevertheless, provide a comprehensive view on the region's geology, geography, forests, land use, agriculture, and mining. In this context the focus is on the possible detrimental effects for the region's water resources and climate. The original aim of the research was to study the existing potential of traditional water harvesting and storage systems, forests, rain patterns et cetera in selected districts, and to prepare a document on the above aspects with an emphasis on traditional time-tested systems for drinking water. The researchers were also required to identify issues for improvement. |
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