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Hardcore poor households need to get 100% subsidies but they must also share 100% of operation and maintenance costs of water and sanitation facilities. 

TitlePro-poor strategy for water and sanitation sector in Bangladesh
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsIslam, MS, Al-Muyeed, A, Ghose, RK, Moniruzzaman, SM
EditionRevised and updated ed.
Paginationvii, 12 p.
Date Published06/2020
PublisherMinistry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives, Local Government Division
Place PublishedDhaka, Bangladesh
Publication LanguageEnglish

The pro-poor strategy is based on four pillars: (1) an operational definition of hardcore poor households; (2) a definition of a basic minimum service level; (3 identification and organisation of the poor hou households; and (4) the development of the mechanism for administering subsidies. Other measures including micro-credit support and employment generation, and capacity building of local government institutions (LGIs) are also mentioned, as are monitoring and evaluation by LGIs. The strategy concludes that hardcore poor households need to get 100% subsidies but they must also share 100% of operation and maintenance costs of water and sanitation facilities.


First published in February 2005. 

Citation Key87333



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