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TitlePreparing for private sector participation in the provision of water supply and sanitation services
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsWalker, J
Secondary TitleWash technical report
Volumeno. 84
Paginationviii, 40 p.: 4 box., 2 tab.
Date Published1993-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsaustralia, cab93/4, case studies, economic aspects, france, institutional framework, mceff, mexico mexico city, sanitation, united kingdom, water supply

This report is designed to assist governments in developing countries and international donor agencies in overcoming obstacles to increased private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector. It is intended for policy makers in public sector institutions and their advisors who are contemplating comprehensive and formal arrangements with the private sector. The report outlines the most common forms of private sector participation: service and management contracts; short- and long- term leasing arrangements; and investments in build, operate, and transfer (BOT) or build, operate, and own (BOO) projects. The report also discusses divestiture. The individual benefits of each of these arrangements are discussed, along with the criteria for assessing when each arrangement is appropriate. The report concludes with guidelines for public agencies to determine the suitability and extent of private sector participation. Of the four examples given in the boxes, only one example discusses the experience of a developing country, the other examples come from developed countries.

Notes44 ref.
Custom 1202.2


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