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The report describes a pilot study of the use of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Appropriate for Reuse (WAWTTAR), a computer programme to assist the officials of Sevlievo in deciding on wastewater treatment alternatives.

TitlePrefeasibility study : Sevlievo, Bulgaria
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsHogrewe, W
Secondary TitleWash field report
Volumeno. 451
Paginationvii, 22 p.: 2 fig., 9 tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH)
Place PublishedArlington, VA, USA
Keywordsbulgaria, bulgaria sevlievo, community participation, computer programs, computers, costs, industrial wastewater, models, municipal wastewater, tannery wastewater, wastewater recycling, wastewater treatment, water pollution control, water quality

The report describes a pilot study of the use of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies Appropriate for Reuse (WAWTTAR), a computer programme to assist the officials of Sevlievo in deciding on wastewater treatment alternatives. The town of Sevlievo has a tannery which is the town's largest single source of organic and nutrient loading. This study sought to achieve the following: i. obtain and promote community input and involvement on wastewater management facilities decisions; ii. identify and characterize cost and performance of wastewater treatment alternatives for municipal and industrial wastewaters; iii. identify wastewater reuse options; iv. evaluate feasible configurations for cost, performance, and flexibility; and v. demonstrate the WAWTTAR computer programme in a situation characterized by industrial wastes and limited community resources.

NotesSee also isn 12402
Custom 1341.0, 352.0



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