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TitlePrediction methodology for suitable water and wastewater processes : report
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1976
AuthorsUniversity of Oklahoma -Norman, OK, US
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Volumeno. 8
Pagination39 p. + 38 p. appendixes : fig., tab.
Date Published1976-01-01
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Keywordsappropriate technology, costs, economic aspects, indicators, models, planning, social aspects, testing, wastewater treatment, water quality, water treatment

The University of Oklahoma under the guidance of Regents Professor George W. Reid has been
engaged in a program sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) to study Low Cost Methods of Treating Water and Wastewater in Developing Countries.
One of the basic activities in this project is the development of a methodology to be used for
selecting appropriate treatment processes which are related to prevailing socio-economic
conditions. Using parameters such as socio-economics, in-country resources, demographic
data, water quality and cost the model is intended to forecast the most suitable treatment process under the given conditions and become a tool for planning engineers. The model was
presented for discussion in a global workshop on Appropriate Water and Waste Water Treatment Technology for Developing Countries, which was jointly organized by the University of
Oklahoma and the International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply in Voorburg
from 17 - 22 November, 1975. In discussing the model the potential role in planning was recognized, although field validation is required. The workshop recommended that testing
and validation of the manual must be done in as many situations as possible.

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Original PublicationPrediction methodology for suitable water and wastewater processes


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