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This article takes a look at why past policies have failed and, using World Bank experience, examines which new policies may show promise. The article suggests that an approach should be adopted which comprises four key elements: a.

TitlePoverty and water supply : how to move forward
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsBriscoe, J
Paginationp. 16-19: 2 box., 1 fig., 1 photogr.
Date Published1992-01-01
Keywordscost recovery, costs, policies, private sector, programmes, sanitation, water supply, willingness to pay

This article takes a look at why past policies have failed and, using World Bank experience, examines which new policies may show promise. The article suggests that an approach should be adopted which comprises four key elements: a. managing water resources better; b. providing at full cost, those "private" services that people want and are willing to pay for (including water supply and the collection of excreta and wastewater); c. using scarce public funds primarily for those services (treatment and disposal of wastes) that provide wide communal benefits; and d. developing flexible and responsive institutional mechanisms for providing these services, with a larger role for community organizations and the private sector.

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