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This paper examines the status, role and scope of knowledge management and networking in accelerating sanitation achievements in India and advocates for prioritizing knowledge management (KM) and learning.

TitlePotential of Knowledge Management to tackle the sanitation challenge in India
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsDa Silva-Wells, C, Lala, S, Baby, VK, Verhagen, J
Date Published10/2013
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication Languageeng

This paper examines the status, role and scope of knowledge management and networking in accelerating sanitation achievements in India and advocates for prioritizing knowledge management (KM) and learning, and outcome - focus for sustainable sanitation results. As the countries in the region have rich and varied experience in sanitation service delivery, the paper also proposes a South Asia knowledge management network for learning and sharing across countries in the region. It argues for improving knowledge sharing and learning opportunities and suggests various practical approaches that could contribute to KM and learning for improvement in the sector. A step-by-step methodology would not be appropriate, given the range of contexts and specific knowledge needs. Flexible, but connected learning methods are needed, but there is no blueprint. A South Asia knowledge Management Network for learning and sharing across countries in the region is a further potential knowledge management resource that can be explored.

Paper prepared for SACOSAN-V, 2013

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This paper argues for improving knowledge sharing and learning opportunities and suggests various practical approaches that could contribute to Knowledge Management (KM) and learning for improving sanitatation in India.

Suggested areas for KM improvement include the following:
- Create opportunities for exchange and learning from local and international good practice: (Regional ) Learning and sharing workshops, Exposure visits, action research, peer review
- Document and share practical experience and evidence of outcomes: Case studies, reviews of existing programmes and their outcomes, especially in terms of sustainability, inclusiveness, hygiene behavior change, monitoring data
- Strengthen and build synergies among networks of peers at the local, national, South Asia, and international levels to increase cross-learning.

This paper was prepared by IRC for the 5th South Asian Conference on Sanitation (SACOSAN-V), October 2013, Kathmandu.




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