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TitlePolicy recommendations for establishing country-led monitoring systems for water, sanitation and hygiene in Western and Central Africa
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsUNICEF, IRC, Akvo
Pagination7 p.
Date Published05/2018
PublisherUNICEF, IRC, Akvo and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

The information required to make effective decisions, whether by government, development partners or civil society stakeholders, is fundamental for ensuring water and sanitation service delivery. Until now, programme-based approaches towards monitoring and evaluation have gained limited success in providing lasting insights. Recent experiences from ten countries in West and Central Africa demonstrate that Country-Led Monitoring offers a feasible alternative for building strong national WASH M&E systems that deliver to country needs.

There is also a French version of this policy brief.

Citation Key83939


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