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TitlePlanning and decision making processes for sustainable rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene : a case study of Bosomtwe and Ejura-Sekyedumase districts, Ashanti-region, Ghana : a thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah Unive
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsAcheampong, K
Paginationxiii, 98 p.; 1 fig.; 12 tab.
Date Published2009-06-01
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordsdecision making, decision support systems, ghana, ghana ashanti region, legislation, socioeconomic impact

WASH Planning and decision at the district level involve a range of actors. District Assemblies in Ghana are assigned with the responsibilities of planning and management of the overall socio-economic development of communities within their jurisdiction under Section 10 of the Local Government Act (Act 462) of 1993. The District Assemblies prepare the District Medium Term Development Plans (DMTDPs) which address issues in all sectors including the WASH sector. In addition, District Assemblies are also required to develop District Water and Sanitation Plans (DWSPs). Recently, the District Assemblies have been tasked to prepare District Environmental Sanitation Strategic Action Plan (DESSAP). It is hoped that the District Assemblies with the support of relevant national institutions will implement the above recommendations to promote required linkages between various WASH planning and decision making processes, avoid conflicts and duplication of efforts, and make efficient use of resources and to ensure sustenance of the processes. [authors abstract]

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