This study analyzes quantitative and qualitative information and develops selected indicators of the condition of the world's freshwater systems.
Title | Pilot analysis of global ecosystems : freshwater systems |
Publication Type | Book |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | Revenga, C, Brunner, J, Henninger, N, Kassem, K, Payne, R |
Pagination | x, 65 p. : 3 boxes, 8 fig, 18 maps, 7 tab. |
Date Published | 2000-10-01 |
Publisher | World Resources Institute |
Place Published | Washington, DC, USA |
ISBN Number | 1569734607 |
Keywords | catchment areas, dams, ecosystems, fish, indicators, international level, land use, rivers, sdiwrm, statistics, water quality, water quantity, water resources |
Abstract | This study analyzes quantitative and qualitative information and develops selected indicators of the condition of the world's freshwater systems. It looks at measures that show the degree of human intervention in the hydrological cycle and what is known concerning three important goods and services provided by freshwater systems: water, food, and biodiversity. The data and indicators focus on: human modification of freshwater systems (including all physical changes in the hydrological cycle, especially river and stream corrections, flood control by dams, conversion of wetlands, and land-use changes in the entire watershed - all of which are changing runoff characteristics); water quantity (i.e., availability); water quality; food (fish in particular); and biodiversity. These indicators are used to identify existing (scarce) data, highlight characteristics of ideal indicators to measure the capacity of freshwater ecosystems, and point out data and information needs. These in turn will become inputs for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment project |
Notes | Bibliography: p. 59-65 |
Custom 1 | 820, 210 |