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New drinking water regulations for 38 organic and inorganic chemicals were finalized by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Known as Phase II, the regulations apply to community water systems and nontransient, noncommunity water systems.

TitlePhase II organic and inorganic contaminant regulations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsPontius, FW
Paginationp. 20-22, 77-79: 8 tab.
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordschemical analysis, chemicals, legislation, usa, water quality monitoring, water quality standards, water treatment

New drinking water regulations for 38 organic and inorganic chemicals were finalized by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Known as Phase II, the regulations apply to community water systems and nontransient, noncommunity water systems. Regulations are presented for maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) and MCL goals (MCLGs); monitoring requirements; and best available technology (BAT) for removing the contaminants.

Notes4 ref.
Custom 1241.3, 243


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