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TitlePeople, water and sanitation : what they know, believe and do in rural India
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsMukherjee, N
Pagination40 p.: fig., photogr.
Date Published1990-01-01
PublisherRajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Keywordsattitudes, behaviour, cab91/1, disposal, ghb, household hygiene, human excreta, hyedcas, india, kap surveys, latrines, maintenance, mass media, mceff, personal hygiene, tp29, water sources, water storage, water use

This booklet is based upon information contained in the UNICEF report "Water, environment and sanitation: a knowledge attitudes and practice study in rural India, 1988-1989". The results of the study, which covered more than 7900 individuals in villages in 22 districts in 8 Indian states, are summarized. The booklet describes where people get water from, how they collect, store, and use water, what they believe about water, their responsability for maintenance, willingness to pay, women's involvement, people's perception of cleanliness, personal hygiene, household hygiene, household waste, human waste, latrines, and the reach of the different media. After each topic some emerging implications are given.

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