Title | Partnering to combat corruption in infrastructure services : a toolkit |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Authors | Sohail, M, Savill, S |
Secondary Title | Partnering to combat corruption series / WEDC |
Pagination | 214 p.; ill.; tab.; refs.; fig.; boxes |
Date Published | 2007-01-01 ? |
Publisher | Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC |
Place Published | Leicestershire (UK) |
ISSN Number | 9781843801252 (paperback) |
Keywords | corruption, infrastructure, legislation |
Abstract | Problems with corruption have long been recognized as key constraints to the development of sustainable infrastructure services. The objective of this Toolkit is to propose a framework and tools geared to understanding, exploring and acting on corruption in the delivery of services. The scope of the work covers infrastructure services in urban and rural areas of developed and developing countries. A number of Toolkits on corruption have been published in recent years; however, to date, these have not been focused on the infrastructure sector or the impacts of corruption on the poor. This Toolkit is intended to fill that gap. The Toolkit is cross-sectoral in its approach, making it of relevance to those working on water supply, sanitation, drainage, roads and paving, transport, solid waste management, street lighting and housing sectors. This Toolkit brings together, in a systematic way, a variety of individual tools, which support the process of combating corruption in infrastructure services. The tools themselves are synthesized from real world experience; derived from a review of literature, desk-based case surveys and country case studies. These are not academic concepts, but genuinely operational tools. This Toolkit avoids taking a blueprint or top-down approach, but rather takes the perspective of operators, regulators and service users, especially the poor. By taking these tools, and relating them systematically to various aspects of combating corruption, this Toolkit should fulfil the urgent need expressed by policy makers, professional staff, regulators and consumers. (authors abstract) |
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