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TitleOrganizing framework for functional national WASH monitoring and evaluation systems
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsUNICEF, IRC, Akvo
Pagination17 p. : 2 fig.
Date Published05/2016
PublisherIRC, UNICEF, Akvo
Place PublishedThe Hague, The Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

The purpose of this document is to introduce a generic organizing framework for a functional national WASH sector monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system. The framework is the basis for the accompanying “National WASH M&E System Strengthening Tool”.

This framework provides (1) a description of the main components of a functional national WASH M&E system, and (2) some benchmarks against which to assess progress in establishing such a system. This document covers system components that need to be present and work to an acceptable standard for the WASH M&E system to function effectively. However, not all components need to be implemented at all levels of the system and this document does not provide detailed guidance on how to operationalize the system.

This organizing framework stresses routine monitoring, data collection and data use at sub-national levels closest to where WASH services are provided and regulated.

There is also a French version of this document.

Citation Key82985



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