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A spreadsheet model was developed to study the infrastructure costs for different service levels for low-income housing schemes.

TitleOptimizing infrastructure
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsCotton, AP, Franceys, RWA
Paginationp. 47-50: 3 fig.
Date Published1991-01-01
Keywordscost savings, costs, india, infrastructure, lesotho, models, philippines, piped distribution, sanitation, storm drainage

A spreadsheet model was developed to study the infrastructure costs for different service levels for low-income housing schemes. Capital, operation and maintenance costs of each servicing option were based on baseline costs from the Far East (Philippines), Africa (Lesotho) and India. Total Annual Cost per Household (TACH) was used a cost indicator. The greatest cost savings can be achieved by selecting on-site sanitation instead of sewerage and by constructing a 'road-as-drain' for storm drainage. Further research is necessary to investigate the pollution risks of high-density on-site sanitation, low-cost drainage options, operation and maintenance, and legislation.

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