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TitleOperational models for improving the targeting efficiency of development policies : a systematic comparison of different estimation methods using ou...
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsHoussou, N, Zeller, M
Paginationp. 465 - 490; 10 tab.; 5 fig.
Date Published2012-07-01
PublisherEuropean Association of Development Research and Training Institutes
Place PublishedBasingstoke, UK
Keywordsdevelopment aid, malawi, poverty, rural areas

There is a long-standing belief that accurate targeting of the poor can improve the effectiveness of development policy. While a number of factors, such as governance failure, inadequate targeting methods, political interference or lack of political will, might explain low targeting efficiency, this article focuses on improving indicator-based models that identify poor households more accurately. Using stepwise regressions along with out-of-sample validation tests, this article develops proxy means test models for rural and urban Malawi. The models developed have proved their validity and can therefore be used to target a wide range of development policies in the country. Likewise, the research here can be extended to other developing countries. [authors abstract]

NotesBibliography on p. 484 - 486
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