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After a few false starts in Haiti and at the CITA-INRA Center in Nicaragua, the rope pump was initiated into action in Monte Fresco, Nicaragua.

TitleThe Nicaraguan rope pump
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsOrozco, JG, Alberts, H, Sandiford, P, Gorter, A
Paginationp. 27-30: 4 fig., ill., photogr.
Date Published1993-01-01
Keywordsappropriate technology, chain pumps, local production, nicaragua, projects, rope-and-washer pumps

After a few false starts in Haiti and at the CITA-INRA Center in Nicaragua, the rope pump was initiated into action in Monte Fresco, Nicaragua. The principles following the schematics given in the article are simple enough; the system uses a hand or machine-cranked wheel which operates a rope-washer-pulley system. The original developers stopped production due to a difference in philosophy, and the idea was taken over by UNICEF and a Dutch volunteer organization. In 1992, rope pump production was turned into a cottage industry by Bombas de Mecate S.A., and is growing into a large commercial enterprise.

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