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A synthesis of the work done at the international seminar in Paris in Dec 2000 that was part of an on-going set of initiatives relating to private sector participation and the poor in the infrastructure sectors.

TitleNew designs for water and sanitation transactions : making private sector participation work for the poor
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsBrocklehurst, C, Evans, B
Paginationvii, 67 p. : 14 boxes, 8 tabs.
Date Published2002-05-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program, WSP
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscontracts, guidelines, institutional aspects, legislation, policies, poverty, private sector, sdipol, tariffs, ueik, urban communities

A synthesis of the work done at the international seminar in Paris in Dec 2000 that was part of an on-going set of initiatives relating to private sector participation and the poor in the infrastructure sectors. The publication provides some principles and guidelines which could be used as a cross-check to ensure that the transaction designers deal with the poor explicitly and sympathetically in each individual case.

NotesIncluding references
Custom 1202.7, 302.7


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