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This National Water Policy document was developed by the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources with the involvement of all WASH Sector Stakeholders.

TitleNational Water Policy - Republic of Ghana
Publication TypeLegislation
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsMinistery of Water and Sanitation, Republic of Ghana
Pagination68 pgs; 2 fig.
Date Published05/2024
PublisherMinistry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Republic of Ghana
Place PublishedAccra, Ghana
Publication LanguageEnglish

The revised national water policy (NWP) is the outcome of nation-wide stakeholder consultations. The revised policy contains sections on (i) water resources management; (ii) urban water services and (iii) community water services; it also highlights the legal framework for the domestic and transboundary utilisation of water resources.

It is expected that all stakeholders, at all levels shall be guided by the principles and provisions in the revised NWP and provide the needed support for its effective implementation to ensure the attainment of the Government of Ghana’s agenda of ‘Water for All’.

Citation Key91284




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