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In November and December 1982 UNDP, in collaboration with the Governments of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and other UN organizations, organized consultations among national non-governmental organzations (NGOs) in each country.

TitleNational NGO collaboration in South Asia : summary report
Publication TypeConference Report
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsUNDP -New York, NY, US
Pagination21 p.
Date Published1982-01-01
PublisherUNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Place PublishedNew York, NY, USA
Keywordsbangladesh, development cooperation, idwssd, india, nepal, non-governmental organizations, recommendations, safe water supply, sanitation, sri lanka

In November and December 1982 UNDP, in collaboration with the Governments of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, and other UN organizations, organized consultations among national non-governmental organzations (NGOs) in each country. The purpose of the consultations was to stimulate co-operation among NGOs, and with goverment, UN and bilateral agencies engaged in drinking water and sanitation programmes. A short summary and the recommendations of each consultation are given. Agendas and lists of participatnts are also included.

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