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Intends to provide a straightforward reference on the basic design, operating and performance standards to be used by the various federal and provincial regulatory agencies, designers, owners and operators of hazardous waste landfills in Canada.

TitleNational guidelines for the landfilling of hazardous waste
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsCanadian Council of Ministers of the Environment -Winnipeg, Man.,CA
Series VolumeCCME-WM/TRE-28E
Paginationxvi, 45 p.: fig.
Date Published1991-01-01
PublisherCanadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
Place PublishedWinnipeg, Man, Canada
ISBN Number0662187350
Keywordsadministration, canada, construction, design, guidelines, hazardous wastes, landfills, monitoring, operation, site selection

Intends to provide a straightforward reference on the basic design, operating and performance standards to be used by the various federal and provincial regulatory agencies, designers, owners and operators of hazardous waste landfills in Canada. It is not intended to be a state-of-the-art technology review. Nor is it intended to replace professional technical expertise in the various specialized disciplines involved in the field of hazardous waste landfilling.

NotesBibliography: p. 38-45
Custom 1343



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