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TitleMultiple-use water services to advance the Millennium Development Goals
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
Authorsvan Koppen, B, Moriarty, PB, Boelee, E
Secondary TitleResearch report / IWMI
Volumeno. 98
Paginationv, 44 p. : 2 boxes, 4 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published2006-01-01
PublisherInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Place PublishedBattaramulla, Sri Lanka
ISSN Number9290906278
Keywordscommunity management, costs, decentralization, design, financing, gender, integrated approach, legislation, peri-urban communities, planning, policies, poverty, rural areas, sdiman, sdiwrm, sustainable livelihoods, water quality, water resources management, water supply, water supply charges, water use

This research report presents results from the project Multiple-use water services (MUS). Taking people's multiple water needs as a starting point for providing integrated services, the project moves beyond the conventional divides of the domestic and productive sectors. Three aspects are discussed. First, a typology is developed for the various efforts since the 1980s to overcome the shortcomings of conventional single-use planning and design. Second, empirical evidence is analysed to identify merits and drawbacks of needs-based and participatory water-services provision, compared to conventional approaches. Third, a framework is provided, based on principles at community, intermediate and national levels, that represents the conditions that the project team have identified as being pivotal for implementing and upscaling MUS approaches at large scale.


Bibliography: p. 37-44

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