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TitleThe mighty Mekong mystery
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsOjendal, J, Torell, E
Secondary TitlePublications on water resources / SIDA
Volumeno. 8
Pagination181 p. : 2 boxes, 11 fig., 7 maps, 22 tab.
Date Published1997-08-01
PublisherSIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Place PublishedStockholm, Sweden
ISSN Number915867716X
Keywordscambodia, catchment areas, economic aspects, laos, mekong river basin, policies, thailand, viet nam, water resources development, water rights, water use

Report of a study on the problems and possibilities of natural resources utilization in the Mekong River Basin, dealing with the issues of transboundary water management.

NotesBibliography: p. 163-171
Custom 1822



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