Metric benchmarking involves tracking operations over time and comparing the performance against that of similar companies within one industry.
Title | Metric benchmarking |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1998 |
Authors | Blankenship, L, Olstein, M, Liner, B |
Pagination | p. 57-62 |
Date Published | 1998-06-01 |
Publisher | American Water Works Association |
Place Published | Denver, CO, USA |
Keywords | administration, benchmarking, efficiency, monitoring, sdiman, water authorities |
Abstract | Metric benchmarking involves tracking operations over time and comparing the performance against that of similar companies within one industry. Water utilities can use this technique for: management review, strategic planning, outsourcing of services, reports to management, and system acquisition. |
Notes | 7 ref. |
Custom 1 | 202.5 |