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These guidelines for sectoral analysis in water supply and sanitation have been developed to constitute a framework for the realization and actualization of sector studies on water supply and sanitation and are limited to the services of environmental pro

TitleMethodological guidelines for sectoral analysis in water supply and sanitation
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsWorld Bank -Washington, DC, US, USAID -Washington, DC, US, Inter-American Development Bank -Washington, DC, US, PAHO -Washington, DC, US
Secondary TitleTechnical report / PIAS
Volumeno. 1
EditionPreliminary version
Paginationiv, 85 p.
Date Published1995-01-01
PublisherPan American Health Organization (PAHO)
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordscaribbean, evaluation, evaluation methods, financing, guidelines, institutional framework, latin america, legislation, national level, planning, sanitation, water authorities, water supply

These guidelines for sectoral analysis in water supply and sanitation have been developed to constitute a framework for the realization and actualization of sector studies on water supply and sanitation and are limited to the services of environmental protection and control related to the water supply and sanitation sectors. The sector assessment proposed in these guidelines includes the evaluation of the sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, the general strategy for organizing the sector assessment, and the procedures for carrying it out. The body of the document contains seven sections, the second of which (after the introduction) describes the field application of the guidelines, covering team composition, general strategy organizing the sector assessment, and procedures for carrying out the assessment. The third section presents a series of indicators to identify the fundamental performance aspects of the sector. The fourth part introduces and describes the sector components that should be analysed for the purpose of the sector assessment - the large group of aspects that typify the current situation of the sector and its performance including general characteristics of each country; institutional strategies in the sector; legal framework; goals, policies and programmes; technical and physical characteristics; finances; and beneficiaries of the services/community participation. In the fifth and sixth parts, a series of questions are suggested for t level and for the utility company level to facilitate research of mentioned components including both data and information gathering questions and analytical questions to guide the analysis of the gathered information and to define future sector strategies. The final part provides an outline of the sector assessment report including physical and socioeconomic conditions of the country; performance and management characteristics; institutional analysis and legal framework; plans, policy programmes; community participation; technical analysis; sector financing; critical aspects; strategies, policies, and recommended action; and priority projects profiles.

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