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TitleMenstrual hygiene : knowledge and practice among adolescent school girls of Saoner, Nagpur District
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsThakre, SB, Thakre, SS, Reddy, M, Rath, N, Pathak, K, Ughade, S
Paginationp. 1027-1033; 5 fig.
Date Published2011-10-01
Keywordshygiene, india maharashtra nagpur, menstruation, personal hygiene, women

Menstruation is generally considered as unclean in the Indian society. Isolation of the menstruating girls and restrictions being imposed on them in the family, have reinforced a negative attitude towards this phenomenon. There is a substantial lacuna in the knowledge about menstruation among adolescent girls. Good hygienic practices such as the use of sanitary pads and adequate washing of the genital area are essential during menstruation. Menstrual hygiene and management will directly contribute to the Millennium Development Goal (MDG)-2 on universal education and MDG -3 on gender equality and women empowerment. A community based, cross sectional study was conducted in January- March, 2011 on 387 school going girls. The present study was undertaken among adolescent school going girls in the field practice area of the Rural Health Unit and Training Centre, Saoner, in the Nagpur district. Three hundred and eighty seven girls of the 8th and 9th standards were purposively selected for the study. A pre-designed, pretestedand structured questionnaire was used in the study. The data collection technique was a personal interview of the study subjects. A variety of factors are known to affect menstrual behaviours, the most influential being economic status and residential status (urban and rural). Awareness regarding the need for information about healthy menstrual practices is very important. It is essential to design a mechanism to address and for the access of healthy menstrual knowledge. A variety of factors are known to affect menstrual behaviours, the most influential being economic status and residential status (urban and rural). Awareness regarding the need for information about healthy menstrual practices is very important. It is essential to design a mechanism to address and for the access of healthy menstrual knowledge. [authors abstract]

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