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TitleA market-based approach to facilitate self supply for rainwater harvesting in Uganda : paper presented at the 6th Rural Water Supply Network Forum 2...
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsNaugle, J, Opio-Oming, T, Cronin, B
Pagination9 p.; 2 tab.; 2 boxes
Date Published2011-01-01
Place PublishedS.l.
Keywordscase studies, markets, rainwater harvesting, rainwater storage, safe water supply, self supply, social marketing, uganda, water storage

This paper looks at the relationship between self supply and market-based development through the example of the introduction of a low cost rainwater storage container in Uganda. The services and products created through market-based development are best defined by the needs of the self supply community: responsiveness to consumer demands; affordability; and availability. This paper describes how the project is using business tools of consumer-led product design, mass media product promotion, existing supply chains and customer service to introduce the bob rainwater bag to Uganda. [authors abstract]

NotesWith 4 references
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