Abstract |
This book contains the principles a municipal government should consider before developing a citywide sanitation
strategy. In this context, this strategy refers to a city’s strategic mid-term sanitation development plan, which incorporates vision, missions, objectives and targets as well as specifi c strategies to improve sanitation services. Chapter 1 starts with an introduction of the background, objectives, concept, and the process of a city sanitation development, followed by a description of the position of the citywide sanitation strategy within the sanitation development planning process. The remaining chapters describe the steps to develop a citywide sanitation strategy. Chapters 2 to 6 explain the five major steps of the process: establishing a working group; city sanitation mapping; defining a sanitation development framework; preparing a strategy for sanitation services development, and preparing a strategy for development of non-technical aspects. Chapter 7 concludes the book with a series of follow-up activities for implementation upon approval of the citywide sanitation strategy. The book uses the phrase total sanitation services to mean the ideal level of sanitation services desired by a city. Such services should be accessible to all residents, be available city wide, be technically complete and sustainable, and not cause negative environmental impacts. This book is not a technical manual. Instead, readers will fi nd a description of the principles of each strategy preparation phase. Many illustrations have been included from Phase 1 (2006 - 2008) implementation of the Indonesia Sanitation Sector Development Program (ISSDP). One of ISSDP’s purposes is to give assistance to six city governments to develop their own citywide sanitation strategies. During the two phases of implementation, ISSDP gained much valuable experience and input for improving the concept, substance and preparation of citywide sanitation strategies for Indonesian cities. This English version is an adaptation to the Indonesian original text published in 2008. In 2009, the Government of Indonesia started an accelerated sanitation development program (Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman – PPSP) to roll out the citywide sanitation strategy approach to all towns and cities of Indonesia by 2014. The PPSP program was launched by Vice President Boediono on 8 December 2009. [authors abstract]