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TitleManuals and Guidelines
Publication TypeManual

Action-research activities implemented under the PILS project were double-pronged and looked at the following broad issues:

  • Improvement of sanitation coverage and hygiene behaviour through the promotion of low-cost appropriate sanitation technologies, in this case Ecological sanitation (Ecosan), as well as Community-Based Total Sanitation (CLTS).

    The action-research activities on Ecosan consisted in the piloting of arbour loo and fossa alterna latrines in households, together with the promotion of improved operation and maintenance of other existing Ecosan toilets at institutions. This component included capacity building of local masons on Ecosan technologies.

    This action-research was supported by the development or updating, translation (when relevant) in local language, Luo, and dissemination of guides and manuals for various audiences (households, local masons, local government and NGOs staff). Where such guides had been developed under other initiatives and considered as already meeting the needs of the stakeholders engaged in PILS, these were simply translated (when relevant) and distributed. These existing materials can be found on the website of the EcoSanRes (Ecological Sanitation Research) Knowledge Node for Uganda (
  • Strengthening of local structures, be they community-based structures (e.g. Village Health Teams, WASH committees, Community Health Clubs, School Health Clubs, School Management Committees, etc.) or coordinating committees such as the District and Sub-County Water and Sanitation Coordinating Committees. Guides on these institutional aspects include a Field guide for the formation and strengthening of school health clubs and a Reference document on roles and responsibilities of district and sub-county staff in the promotion of sanitation and hygiene.
Citation Key76947
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