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TitleManagement members
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsChessell, S
Full Text

Left to right: Dr Shorful Islam, Gazi Tafsir Ahmed, Gazi Nizam Kuin and Gazi Yunus Ali

In 2010 the Bazaar Management Committee (BMC) members resolved to seek funding to build a public latrine from the Union Parishad through the HYSAWA initiative. The BMC sought collaboration and input from the Bazaar Business Association (BBA) which has existed since 1969 and collectively they demonstrated the need and expressed a willingness to contribute to the process of planning, implementation and management.

They prepared a proposal including scheme design for funding consideration. The proposal was assessed and accepted by HYSAWA and the funding process began. They established a five member Project Implementation Committee (PIC) to manage the process, including a BMC member as Chairman, UP Secretary, UP Member for the bazaar area, Consultant Field Engineer HYSAWA and UP Accountant (HYSAWA Project).


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